🏆 生豆名稱:2024 COE 卓越杯 | 臺灣 | RANK 9 | 第九名 | 蜜處理藝伎
國 家:Taiwan 臺灣
名 次:RANK 9 第九名
地 區:Chiayi County 嘉義
評 分:88.88
年 份:2024
莊 園:Zhuo Wu Mountain Coffee Farm 卓武山咖啡農場
品 種:Gesha 藝伎
處理法:Honey 蜜處理
Located in Alishan of Chiayi County, Zhuo Wu Mountain Coffee Farm was the 1st place winner of the 2021 Taiwan Private Collection Auction, breaking the record of ACE’s coffee auctions with a final bid at 500.50 USD/lb. Owner Ting-Yeh Hsu began growing coffee in 2000 and is particularly passionate about improving the quality of his coffees. He does this by growing the same coffee plants in various locations within his farm and noting how the microclimates and micro-terroirs affect different varieties. As a cupper, he says he only wants to sell coffee that he himself would like to drink.